Achyutaya Pharma

Achyutaya Harde Tablet

Product Name
Achyutaya Harde Tablet
50 gm
10 Rs.
Direction For Use
2 to 3 tab. at night or morning empty stomach with lukewarm water ( Dose depends upon age, weight & illness of the individuals). OR Use as directed by physician.
        Note :- Do not take milk 2 hr. before & 2 hr. after medicine.
:- Harde Tablet increases apetite,memory,delays aging and regulate peristalsis.
         Therefore useful in anorexia,indigestion,gas trouble,constipation,sprue,piles,worm infestation,jaundice,liver,spleen,heart & skin disease.
         Also used in cough, hiccough & asthma.
Main Ingredients
Terminalia Chebula (Harad)