Achyutaya Pharma

Achyutaya Kesharyukta Chyawanprash

Product Name
Achyutaya Kesharyukta Chyawanprash
1000 gm. / 500 gm.
199 Rs. / 105 Rs
Direction For Use
1 to 2 t.s.f. once or twice a day on empty stomach ( Dose depends upon age, weight & illness of the individuals) OR as directed by physician. 
By virtue of keshar & powerful bhasma specially useful for persons with heavy mental work, weakness, anaemia, spermatorrhoea, night fall, sexual dysfunction etc.
             By using this divine rasayan Old Chyawan Rushi regained youth.
           It improves & maintains youth, memory, grasping power, skin glow, physical strength.
           Useful in chronic deabilitating diseases, T.B., chronic respiratory tract disorders, malnourished & thin built individuals.
          Useful in male & female infertility. The best health booster for daily use in all age group.

Main Ingredients
Saffron(keshar), Emblica officinalis(amla), Boerhaavia Diffusa(punarnava) and more than 56 divine medicine from himalaya.