Achyutaya Pharma

Achyutaya Rajat Malti Tablet

Product Name
Achyutaya Rajat Malti Tablet
40 Tab
70 Rs.
Direction For Use
1 to 2 tab. in  morning empty stomach with ghee/milk/honey/butter ( Dose depends upon age, weight & illness of the individuals). OR as directed by physician
It increases skin glow,mental and physical strength.
              Increases production of sperm therefore very useful in oligospermia(male infertility).
             Increases production of blood cells, gives strength to muscles,nerves therefore useful in anaemia,weight loss,chronic deabilitating diseases, neuropathy, paralysis, MND,  myopathy, sickle cell anaemia, thalassemia etc.
             Also useful in kidney diseases,heart disease,oligomenorrhoea (scanty menses),white discharge(leucorrhoea) & other feminine disorders
Main Ingredients
Rajat bhasma, Abhrak bhasma, Bang Bhasma, Trikatu etc