Product Name | Achyutaya Shankh-Pushpi Syrup |
Quantity | 200 ml. |
Price | 35 Rs. |
Direction For Use | 1 to 2 t.s.f. once or twice a day ( Dose depends upon age, weight & illness of the individuals). OR as directed by physician. |
Benefits | Increases grasping, storage & recollection power all the three aspect of memory. It increases mental strength to work more efficiently for longer time i.e. prevents early mental fatigue. It given nutrition to the neurons and removes waste products thereby prevents & delays age related degeneration. Useful in mild mental retardation, cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, lack of concentration, insomnia and neurotic disorders, epilepsy & psychosis etc. |
Main Ingredients | convolvulus pluricaulis(shankhpushpi), Nardostachys jatamansi(vacha), Bacopa monieri(brahmi) & other medicine that act as a brain tonic. |
Achyutaya Shankh-Pushpi Syrup
Achyutaya Hariom Pharma Ayurvedic Products |
Cough Syrup | Dant Manjan | Dant Suraksha Tel |
Diabetes Tablet | Gaujharan Ark | Gaujaran Ghan Tablet |
Gulab Mahak | Gulab Sharbat | Harad Rasayan Tablet |
Kosth Shuddhhi Tablet | Liver Tonic Syrup | Liver Tonic Tablet |
Malham | Natural Hair- Care | Neem Tel |
Ojasvi Chay (TEA) |
Rajat Malti Tablet |
Ramban Buti |
Rasayan Churna |
Rasayan Tablet |
Sant-Kripa Churna |
Sapta Dhatu Vardhak Buti |
Saubhagya Sunthi Pak |
Shankh-Pushpi Syrup |
Sitopladi Churna |
Kesharyukta Chyawanprash |
Special Malish Tel |
Suvarna Prash Tablet |
Trifla Churna |
Trifla Tablet |
Tulsi Ark |
Vajra Rasayan Tablet |
Yogi Ayu Tel |