Achyutaya Pharma

Achyutaya Suvarna Prash Tablet

Product Name
Achyutaya Suvarna Prash Tablet
60 Tablet
100 Rs.
Direction For Use
          1st day of life to 15 days   – 1/8 tab. once a day.
          15 days         to  3 month  – ¼  tab. once a day.
            3 month       to  6 month  -  ½  tab. once a day. 
            6 month       to  2 yr.        -  1  tab. once a day.
            2 yr.             to  5 yr.        -  1  tab. twice a day.     
                                   5 yr.        -  2  tab. twice a day.
                With cow’s milk / ghee on empty stomach OR as directed by physician
This Suvarnaprash(complete brain tonic) is enriched with pure gold & keshar is best tonic for the intellectual, mental & physical growth of body.
            When use daily from the frist day of life to 2 yr. of age child becomes shrutidhar(highest grasping power), healthy and becomes immune to commen childhood illnesses.
           Also after 2 yr. of age improves all three aspect of memory(grasping, storage & recollection), physical strength, glow, immunity power in children & in other age groups. Prevent age related degenerative CNS disorders viz. alzheimer’s  disease, parkinsonism etc.
           When use by pregnant lady  specifically from 3rd to 9th month helps in development of brain & other part of body, prevents congenital malformation  in fetus and also maintain health of mother. She will have a medhavi, Tejasvi & healthy baby.

Main Ingredients
Suvarna Bhasma, Saffron(keshar), Suvarna makshika Bhasma, Acorus Calamus(Vacha) & other medicine that act as a brain tonic.