Achyutaya Pharma

Achyutaya Vajra Rasayan Tablet

Product Name
Achyutaya Vajra Rasayan Tablet
40 Tab.
330 Rs.
Direction For Use
½ to 1 tab. morning empty stomach with ghee/milk cream/butter/honey ( Dose depends upon age, weight & illness of the individuals).OR as directed by physician.
Vajra bhasma is having debridement power, and other medicine serve as a homeostatic agent together controll the uncontrolled mitosis of cancer cells and in addition maintains body strength and immunity therefore useful in all types of cancers.
         Also it has nourishing action on neurons, heart cells, therefore useful in heart diseases, neuronal disease viz. paralysis, sciatica etc.
        Aiso useful in disease of eye, genitourinary tract & respiratory tract.
        Very useful in male infertilityand  maintains physical &  mental strength in old age
Main Ingredients
Vajra Bhasma & other medicine