Achyutaya Pharma

Ramban Buty

Product Name
Ramban Buty
30 g
30 Rs.
Direction For Use
1 o 1.5 g. Buty in  morning empty stomach with 100 ml lukewarm water ( Dose depends upon age, weight & illness of the individuals) OR as directed by physician.
         Note :- Do not take milk 2 hr. before & 2 hr. after medicine.
Ramban Buty increases digestive power & regulates peristaltic activity of git therefore useful in indigestion, gas trouble, constipation, sprue (sticky motion), worms etc.
              It digest ama(toxic products) therefore useful in rheumatoid arthritis, seronegative arthropathy, psoriatic arthropathy, ankylosing spondylitis, arthralgia seen in viral fever eg. Chikungunya.
Main Ingredients
Ferula Narthex(hing), Plumbago zeylanica(chitrak), Zinziber officinale(sunthi) etc.